  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All

Represents the schema for meeting requests. Represents the schema for meeting requests.










Static AdjacentMeetingCount

AdjacentMeetingCount: PropertyDefinition

Defines the AdjacentMeetingCount property. Defines the AdjacentMeetingCount property.

Static AdjacentMeetings

AdjacentMeetings: PropertyDefinition

Defines the AdjacentMeetings property. Defines the AdjacentMeetings property.

Static AllowNewTimeProposal

AllowNewTimeProposal: PropertyDefinition

Defines the AllowNewTimeProposal property. Defines the AllowNewTimeProposal property.

Static AllowedResponseActions

AllowedResponseActions: PropertyDefinition

Defines the AllowedResponseActions property.

Static AppointmentReplyTime

AppointmentReplyTime: PropertyDefinition

Defines the AppointmentReplyTime property. Defines the AppointmentReplyTime property.

Static AppointmentSequenceNumber

AppointmentSequenceNumber: PropertyDefinition

Defines the AppointmentSequenceNumber property. Defines the AppointmentSequenceNumber property.

Static AppointmentState

AppointmentState: PropertyDefinition

Defines the AppointmentState property. Defines the AppointmentState property.

Static AppointmentType

AppointmentType: PropertyDefinition

Defines the AppointmentType property. Defines the AppointmentType property.

Static ApprovalRequestData

ApprovalRequestData: PropertyDefinition

Defines the ApprovalRequestData property.

Static ArchiveTag

ArchiveTag: PropertyDefinition

Defines the ArchiveTag property.

Static AssociatedAppointmentId

AssociatedAppointmentId: PropertyDefinition

Defines the AssociatedAppointmentId property.

Static Attachments

Attachments: PropertyDefinition

Defines the Attachments property.

Static BccRecipients

BccRecipients: PropertyDefinition

Defines the BccRecipients property.

Static Body

Defines the Body property.

Static Categories

Categories: PropertyDefinition

Defines the Categories property.

Static CcRecipients

CcRecipients: PropertyDefinition

Defines the CcRecipients property.

Static ChangeHighlights

ChangeHighlights: PropertyDefinition

Defines the ChangeHighlights property. Defines the ChangeHighlights property.

Static ConferenceType

ConferenceType: PropertyDefinition

Defines the ConferenceType property. Defines the ConferenceType property.

Static ConflictingMeetingCount

ConflictingMeetingCount: PropertyDefinition

Defines the ConflictingMeetingCount property. Defines the ConflictingMeetingCount property.

Static ConflictingMeetings

ConflictingMeetings: PropertyDefinition

Defines the ConflictingMeetings property. Defines the ConflictingMeetings property.

Static ConversationId

ConversationId: PropertyDefinition

Defines the ConversationId property.

Static ConversationIndex

ConversationIndex: PropertyDefinition

Defines the ConversationIndex property.

Static ConversationTopic

ConversationTopic: PropertyDefinition

Defines the ConversationTopic property.

Static Culture

Defines the Culture property.

Static DateTimeCreated

DateTimeCreated: PropertyDefinition

Defines the DateTimeCreated property.

Static DateTimeReceived

DateTimeReceived: PropertyDefinition

Defines the DateTimeReceived property.

Static DateTimeSent

DateTimeSent: PropertyDefinition

Defines the DateTimeSent property.

Static DeletedOccurrences

DeletedOccurrences: PropertyDefinition

Defines the DeletedOccurrences property. Defines the DeletedOccurrences property.

Static DisplayCc

Defines the DisplayCc property.

Static DisplayTo

Defines the DisplayTo property.

Static Duration

Defines the Duration property. Defines the Duration property.

Static EffectiveRights

EffectiveRights: PropertyDefinition

Defines the EffectiveRights property.

Static End

Defines the End property. Defines the End property.

Static EndTimeZone

EndTimeZone: PropertyDefinition

Defines the EndTimeZone property. Defines the EndTimeZone property.

Static EnhancedLocation

EnhancedLocation: PropertyDefinition

Defines the EnhancedLocation property. Defines the EnhancedLocation property.

Static EntityExtractionResult

EntityExtractionResult: PropertyDefinition

Defines the EntityExtractionResult property.

Static ExtendedProperties

ExtendedProperties: PropertyDefinition

Defines the ExtendedProperties property.

Static FirstOccurrence

FirstOccurrence: PropertyDefinition

Defines the FirstOccurrence property. Defines the FirstOccurrence property.

Static Flag

Defines the Flag property.

Static From

Defines the From property.

Static HasAttachments

HasAttachments: PropertyDefinition

Defines the HasAttachments property.

Static HasBeenProcessed

HasBeenProcessed: PropertyDefinition

Defines the HasBeenProcessed property.

Static ICalDateTimeStamp

ICalDateTimeStamp: PropertyDefinition

Defines the ICalDateTimeStamp property.

Static ICalRecurrenceId

ICalRecurrenceId: PropertyDefinition

Defines the ICalRecurrenceId property.

Static ICalUid

Defines the ICalUid property.

Static IconIndex

Defines the IconIndex property.

Static Id

Defines the Id property.

Static Importance

Importance: PropertyDefinition

Defines the Importance property.

Static InReplyTo

Defines the InReplyTo property.

Static Instance


Instance of MeetingRequestSchema


Instance of MeetingRequestSchema

Static InstanceKey

InstanceKey: PropertyDefinition

Defines the InstanceKey property.

Static IntendedFreeBusyStatus

IntendedFreeBusyStatus: PropertyDefinition

Defines the IntendedFreeBusyStatus property. Defines the IntendedFreeBusyStatus property.

Static InternetMessageHeaders

InternetMessageHeaders: PropertyDefinition

Defines the InternetMessageHeaders property.

Static InternetMessageId

InternetMessageId: PropertyDefinition

Defines the InternetMessageId property.

Static IsAllDayEvent

IsAllDayEvent: PropertyDefinition

Defines the IsAllDayEvent property. Defines the IsAllDayEvent property.

Static IsAssociated

IsAssociated: PropertyDefinition

Defines the IsAssociated property.

Static IsCancelled

IsCancelled: PropertyDefinition

Defines the IsCancelled property. Defines the IsCancelled property.

Static IsDelegated

IsDelegated: PropertyDefinition

Defines the IsDelegated property.

Static IsDeliveryReceiptRequested

IsDeliveryReceiptRequested: PropertyDefinition

Defines the IsDeliveryReceiptRequested property.

Static IsDraft

Defines the IsDraft property.

Static IsFromMe

Defines the IsFromMe property.

Static IsMeeting

Defines the IsMeeting property. Defines the IsMeeting property.

Static IsOnlineMeeting

IsOnlineMeeting: PropertyDefinition

Defines the IsOnlineMeeting property. Defines the IsOnlineMeeting property.

Static IsOrganizer

IsOrganizer: PropertyDefinition

Defines the IsOrganizer property.

Static IsOutOfDate

IsOutOfDate: PropertyDefinition

Defines the IsOutOfDate property.

Static IsRead

Defines the IsRead property.

Static IsReadReceiptRequested

IsReadReceiptRequested: PropertyDefinition

Defines the IsReadReceiptRequested property.

Static IsRecurring

IsRecurring: PropertyDefinition

Defines the IsRecurring property. Defines the IsRecurring property.

Static IsReminderSet

IsReminderSet: PropertyDefinition

Defines the IsReminderSet property.

Static IsResend

Defines the IsResend property.

Static IsResponseRequested

IsResponseRequested: PropertyDefinition

Defines the IsResponseRequested property.

Static IsSubmitted

IsSubmitted: PropertyDefinition

Defines the IsSubmitted property.

Static IsUnmodified

IsUnmodified: PropertyDefinition

Defines the IsUnmodified property.

Static ItemClass

Defines the ItemClass property.

Static LastModifiedName

LastModifiedName: PropertyDefinition

Defines the LastModifiedName property.

Static LastModifiedTime

LastModifiedTime: PropertyDefinition

Defines the LastModifiedTime property.

Static LastOccurrence

LastOccurrence: PropertyDefinition

Defines the LastOccurrence property. Defines the LastOccurrence property.

Static LegacyFreeBusyStatus

LegacyFreeBusyStatus: PropertyDefinition

Defines the LegacyFreeBusyStatus property. Defines the LegacyFreeBusyStatus property.

Static Location

Defines the Location property. Defines the Location property.

Static MeetingRequestType

MeetingRequestType: PropertyDefinition

Defines the MeetingRequestType property. Defines the MeetingRequestType property.

Static MeetingRequestWasSent

MeetingRequestWasSent: PropertyDefinition

Defines the MeetingRequestWasSent property. Defines the MeetingRequestWasSent property.

Static MeetingTimeZone

MeetingTimeZone: PropertyDefinition

Defines the MeetingTimeZone property. Defines the MeetingTimeZone property.

Static MeetingWorkspaceUrl

MeetingWorkspaceUrl: PropertyDefinition

Defines the MeetingWorkspaceUrl property. Defines the MeetingWorkspaceUrl property.

Static MimeContent

MimeContent: PropertyDefinition

Defines the MimeContent property.

Static ModifiedOccurrences

ModifiedOccurrences: PropertyDefinition

Defines the ModifiedOccurrences property. Defines the ModifiedOccurrences property.

Static MyResponseType

MyResponseType: PropertyDefinition

Defines the MyResponseType property. Defines the MyResponseType property.

Static NetShowUrl

NetShowUrl: PropertyDefinition

Defines the NetShowUrl property. Defines the NetShowUrl property.

Static NormalizedBody

NormalizedBody: PropertyDefinition

Defines the NormalizedBody property.

Static OptionalAttendees

OptionalAttendees: PropertyDefinition

Defines the OptionalAttendees property. Defines the OptionalAttendees property.

Static Organizer

Defines the Organizer property. Defines the Organizer property.

Static OriginalStart

OriginalStart: PropertyDefinition

Defines the OriginalStart property. Defines the OriginalStart property.

Static ParentFolderId

ParentFolderId: PropertyDefinition

Defines the ParentFolderId property.

Static PolicyTag

Defines the PolicyTag property.

Static Preview

Defines the Preview property.

Static ReceivedBy

ReceivedBy: PropertyDefinition

Defines the ReceivedBy property.

Static ReceivedRepresenting

ReceivedRepresenting: PropertyDefinition

Defines the ReceivedRepresenting property.

Static Recurrence

Recurrence: PropertyDefinition

Defines the Recurrence property. Defines the Recurrence property.

Static References

References: PropertyDefinition

Defines the References property.

Static ReminderDueBy

ReminderDueBy: PropertyDefinition

Defines the ReminderDueBy property.

Static ReminderMinutesBeforeStart

ReminderMinutesBeforeStart: PropertyDefinition

Defines the ReminderMinutesBeforeStart property.

Static ReplyTo

Defines the ReplyTo property.

Static RequiredAttendees

RequiredAttendees: PropertyDefinition

Defines the RequiredAttendees property. Defines the RequiredAttendees property.

Static Resources

Defines the Resources property. Defines the Resources property.

Static ResponseType

ResponseType: PropertyDefinition

Defines the ResponseType property.

Static RetentionDate

RetentionDate: PropertyDefinition

Defines the RetentionDate property.

Static Sender

Defines the Sender property.

Static Sensitivity

Sensitivity: PropertyDefinition

Defines the Sensitivity property.

Static Size

Defines the Size property.

Static Start

Defines the Start property. Defines the Start property.

Static StartTimeZone

StartTimeZone: PropertyDefinition

Defines the StartTimeZone property. Defines the StartTimeZone property.

Static StoreEntryId

StoreEntryId: PropertyDefinition

Defines the StoreEntryId property.

Static Subject

Defines the Subject property.

Static TextBody

Defines the TextBody property.

Static TimeZone

Defines the TimeZone property. Defines the TimeZone property.

Static ToRecipients

ToRecipients: PropertyDefinition

Defines the ToRecipients property.

Static UniqueBody

UniqueBody: PropertyDefinition

Defines the UniqueBody property.

Static VotingInformation

VotingInformation: PropertyDefinition

Defines the VotingInformation property.

Static WebClientEditFormQueryString

WebClientEditFormQueryString: PropertyDefinition

Defines the WebClientEditFormQueryString property.

Static WebClientReadFormQueryString

WebClientReadFormQueryString: PropertyDefinition

Defines the WebClientReadFormQueryString property.

Static When

Defines the When property. Defines the When property.









  • RegisterInternalProperty(registeringSchemaClass: any, property: PropertyDefinition): void
  • internal

    Registers an internal schema property.


    • registeringSchemaClass: any

      SchemaClass calling this method - workaround for fieldUri registration oterhwise it registers super/parent class static properties as well. TypeScript does not provide a way to detect inherited property, hasOwnProperty returns true for parent static property

    • property: PropertyDefinition

      The property to register.

    Returns void


  • RegisterProperties(): void
  • Registers properties.


    IMPORTANT NOTE: PROPERTIES MUST BE REGISTERED IN SCHEMA ORDER (i.e. the same order as they are defined in types.xsd)

    Returns void

Private RegisterProperty

  • RegisterProperty(registeringSchemaClass: any, property: PropertyDefinition): void
  • RegisterProperty(registeringSchemaClass: any, property: PropertyDefinition, isInternal: boolean): void
  • internal

    Registers a schema property. - workaround for fieldUri registration oterhwise it registers super/parent class static properties as well. TypeScript does not provide a way to detect inherited property, hasOwnProperty returns true


    • registeringSchemaClass: any

      SchemaClass calling this method - workaround for fieldUri registration oterhwise it registers super/parent class static properties as well. TypeScript does not provide a way to detect inherited property, hasOwnProperty returns true for parent static property

    • property: PropertyDefinition

      The property to register.

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • registeringSchemaClass: any

      SchemaClass calling this method - workaround for fieldUri registration oterhwise it registers super/parent class static properties as well. TypeScript does not provide a way to detect inherited property, hasOwnProperty returns true for parent static property

    • property: PropertyDefinition

      The property to register.

    • isInternal: boolean

      Indicates whether the property is internal or should be visible to developers.

    Returns void


  • internal

    Tries to get property definition.


    Returns boolean

    True if property definition exists.

Protected init

  • init(): void
  • Returns void

Static FindPropertyDefinition

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